Verification: b36b11b22995e914 Wheel Divas | Berliner Frauenradsport bei Deutschlandtour
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Donations for more equality of opportunity


Plan International Challenge – for more equal opportunities. In cycling and worldwide.


At the Plan International Challenge , 10 teams of two will ride the 4 stages of the Deutschlandtour from August 26th to 27th, 2021 - the most important stage race for male cycling professionals in Germany.

Wheel Divas are there with 4 ambassadors to campaign against exploitation and to protect girls and boys from child labor.

Common challenge, common goal.

Your donation counts.

The Wheel Divas team will be present at the 1st and 2nd stages.
Our Selina Knaul and Martin Neitzke will drive all stages as a duo. Report in the blog .

The challenge: ride the original route just ahead of the male pros.

The goal: arrive successfully and stand up for equal opportunities as a women's cycling team.

With your support we collect 2000€, which flow directly into the Plan International project to protect girls and boys in Tanzania from child labour.

The background and details of the project are described in more detail here . The rbb television visited the team and asked many questions.

WheelDivas Trainingsfahrt

Women   cycling   Passion

The Stages

  1. stage     08/26   Stralsund-Schwerin       191 km

  2. stage     08/27   Sangerhausen-Ilmenau   185km

  3. stage     08/28   Ilmenau-Erlangen        191 km

  4. stage     08/29   Erlangen-Nuremberg       160km


We are at the start of the 1st and 2nd stages with 2 of our ambassadors .

Selina will be the first woman to ride all 4 stages of the 720 kilometers of the Deutschland Tour with ultracyclist Martin Neitzke. Report in the blog and on , among others.

"Wind is the mountain of the north" is our motto for the first stage. We wouldn't be the Wheel Divas if we didn't rise to this challenge. Your donation is our motivation - and our tailwind.

"From Kyffhäuser to the Thuringian Forest - the main thing is through home" - on the 2nd stage it gets mountainous. We have a number of personal ties to the track, because team boss Sina comes from near Sangerhausen and one of our ambassadors grew up near Ilmenau.

Our ambassadors are

Botschafter Fahrer


Motto: "Wind is the mountain of the north"

191 flat kilometers on the way from Western Pomerania to Mecklenburg, Schwerin. The mountains of the north is the wind. It's going to be tough for Rieke and Selina.

In addition to the north-west wind, 950 meters in altitude have to be overcome.


Motto: "From Kyffhäuser to the Thuringian Forest - the main thing is through home"

Janina and Runa start from Sangerhausen to Illmenau. It is the hardest stage at 178 km and 2100 m altitude difference.

Selina (26) sports manager

"I would like to see more recognition and respect from the federations for our sport."

Rune (24)

medical student

"I am committed to more presence and appreciation of women in cycling."

Rieke (22) finance economist

"Who does not fight has already lost"

Janina (24) mathematics student

"I'm politically involved and I'm excited about the opportunity to use the reach of sport to take on social responsibility."
1. Etappe

Our motivation

Women, cycling, passion - these are the Wheel Divas.


We want to use our privilege of being passionate about the sport we love to campaign against child labour.


With your donation we can improve the life prospects of boys and girls in Tanzania.

A women's team in a stage race of male professionals - with this we are setting an example for women's cycling.


Because women and women's cycling teams are still not given the same presence and appreciation in cycling. We accept this challenge and want to help shape and change it.

The men's tour was well broadcast on ARD and ZDF , a ray of hope if the women will also drive in the future? Further reports can be easily researched via google and published in our own blog .


Politt is the best!, was the headline in the Sportschau on August 29th, 2021 . Next: "The Germany tour could not have ended more excitingly". Nils Politt won loudly and our Selina quietly.


Congratulations to both of you.

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