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Berlin-based software house astendo supports kids-tour

v.l.n.r.: Philipp Lippold, Dennis Bloch, Miriam Irmisch, Madeleine Müller, Antje Naumann, Andreas Müller, Frederic Czyborra, Mareike Conrads, Pia Sielaff. | astendo – digitale Lösungen aus Berlin |  internationale kids-tour Berlin | Cobra CRM
v.l.n.r.: Philipp Lippold, Dennis Bloch, Miriam Irmisch, Madeleine Müller, Antje Naumann, Andreas Müller, Frederic Czyborra, Mareike Conrads, Pia Sielaff.| 📷 astendo

Berlins IT system house astendo supports the kids-tour with advice and software.

After 27 years, kids-tour now has, among other things, digital registration and other professional IT solutions with astendo.

astendo – digitale solutions olutions from Berlin offers individual digital solutions in the areas of CRM with cobra, eventManager and enterprise resource planning. An excellent IT service and strong support round off the offer.

Astendo develops its own software and is the largest development partner of cobra CRM. Their digital solutions stand at a high level and set standards. With the eventManager, astendo has successfully supported many customers for years in the entire handling of events - from planning to online participant management to on-site accreditation, so now also the team of the 28th International kids-tour. The eventManager, developed by CEO Andreas Müller and his Team, automates, digitalizes and mobilizes the registration process to a high degree.

Cobra CRM: The address and custom relationship management has been inspiring users for 35 years. This software solution is used by the national league teams Wheel Divas and Wheel Devils and by the 2nd CEO of the Wheel Divas Hans-Günter Päske for more than 10 years, now also by the Orga- Team.

astendo GmbH - digitale Lösungen aus Berlin - IT-Systemhaus | COBRA CRM | CRM ? Teilnehmermanagement ? Warenwirtschaft (ERP) ? IT-Service ? Schulungen ?

Cobra and astendo eventManager are synchronously running software solutions. This allows the Orga team to work decentrally and via mobile solutions at any time and from anywhere. Further connected is the digital financial management and accounting. This saves time and is pretty cool.

The Orga- Team relies on modern technology and techniques. They are happy to have astendo, one of the leading software partners in the event sector, on board.

Astendo writes how they work

  • Consistent

We don't promise what we can't deliver.

  • Transparent

With us, everything comes from a single source - from the offer to the setup, customizations and training to the daily support.

  • Innovative

We not only know our products, we also constantly develop them further.

  • Sustainable

We are aware of our responsibility for people and the environment: That's why we are a co-signatory of ENTREPRENEURS FOR FUTURE and develop under climate-neutral conditions (software made and hosted in germany) and compensate our business trips via atmosfair - of course we also have green electricity.

That suits us, the kids-tour.

Competence comes to competence.

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